- https://nesslabs.com/mind-garden - guide - First, you need to seed your mind garden with quality content. - Having a diverse information diet is more important than striving for an unattainably perfect information diet. - Take notes - https://nesslabs.com/generation-effect - you remember things better when you make your own version of it. - Tend the garden - take clipping from previous ideas - graft parts of ideas into others - Share the seeds with others - make some ideas public - Creating the garden - Examples - https://notes.andymatuschak.org/ - [[evergreen notes]] - https://tomcritchlow.com/2019/02/17/building-digital-garden/ - coined the term - streams, campfires, gardens - https://joelhooks.com/digital-garden - https://www.gwern.net/ - https://meaningness.com/ - more of a book - https://twitter.com/Mappletons/status/1250532315459194880 - list by Maggie appleton - https://www.mentalnodes.com/ - Note -> Garden -> Publish - I think these ideas all make sense to me, but I need to think about how to actually use them. I can collect interesting articles or go off on tangents about intellectually interesting ideas, but in order to make this a useful tool and not just a toy, I think I need to fill it with things that I actually use. That probably means a lot of [[networking]] knowledge right now. - It is interesting though, that being in this space has piqued my interest in other areas of knowledge. I don’t know if that’s just seeing a trend, nostalgia for previous musings, or a real interest. - Another way to think about this: Where could I add meaningful thoughts to the public sphere. Where might I have a hope of contributing? - https://maggieappleton.com/garden-history - Mark Bernstein's 1998 essay [Hypertext Gardens](http://www.eastgate.com/garden/Enter.html) - with clear writing, you usually don't need complex navigation unless the subject matter ' especially complex - Ridgid structure is costly and pulls attention away from the message. You want traffic to center around the best pages, not navigation - https://wiki.c2.com/?WikiGardener - https://wiki.c2.com/?WikiGnome - Mike Caufield keynote on [The Garden and the Stream: a Technopastoral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckv_CjyKyZY&feature=emb_logo) - essay: https://hapgood.us/2015/10/17/the-garden-and-the-stream-a-technopastoral/ - " we have been swept away by streams" - "streams are fleeting. They surface the Zetigeisty thoughts of the last 24 hours. They are not designed to accumulate knowledge, connect disparate information, or mature over time.” - Articles present an opinion. Gardens- collections of connected ideas - don't know what they think yet - - other related ideas - web rings - wikis - [[Roam as a browser]] - Blogs -